Digital Badge Research
The concept of badges to award achievement is not new (Scouts, online gaming) however their application to an educational context only gained traction when in 2011 Mozilla and the Macarthur Foundation developed Badges for Lifelong Learning. Since then significant research and open discussion has taken place around this new technology platform.
The following links and documents provide some background information / research around digital badges in an educational setting:
Digital Badges Would Represent Students' Skill Acquisition: Initiatives seek to give students permanent online records for developing specific skills.
Digital Learning Badges Attract Interest form City Leaders
Digital badging: what do high school students think of digital badges?
Student Awards: Digital Badges Makes a Debut
Helping Kids Earn Credentials: Digital Badges for Out-of-School Time Learning
Digital badge Learning: "Geeking Out" Across the Curriculum
Digital Badges (Boston After School and Beyond)
What can we learn from the badging movement?
The following links and documents provide some background information / research around digital badges in an educational setting:
Digital Badges Would Represent Students' Skill Acquisition: Initiatives seek to give students permanent online records for developing specific skills.
Digital Learning Badges Attract Interest form City Leaders
Digital badging: what do high school students think of digital badges?
Student Awards: Digital Badges Makes a Debut
Helping Kids Earn Credentials: Digital Badges for Out-of-School Time Learning
Digital badge Learning: "Geeking Out" Across the Curriculum
Digital Badges (Boston After School and Beyond)
What can we learn from the badging movement?