Models for Engagement with the UN SDGs
The following links provide resources to help schools engage with the UN SDGs
Building a Better World: Six strategies for engaging the sustainable development goals in the classroom
Engaging with the SDGS in the UK: Models and ingredients for successful practice
Engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals - a secondary teacher's experience
Strategies might include:
Building a Better World: Six strategies for engaging the sustainable development goals in the classroom
Engaging with the SDGS in the UK: Models and ingredients for successful practice
Engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals - a secondary teacher's experience
Strategies might include:
- Solve a Real Problem: SDGs are real problems! Being explicit with students and connecting their work locally to SDGs frames their PBL work as global citizens.
- Meet a Design Challenge: Informing the public about the UN SDGs is an important task. How will students do that? Who will their audience be?
- Explore a Question: Students explore large questions about the world that cuts across cultures and nations.
- Conduct an Investigation: Does your community have clean water, provide a quality education, or promote responsible consumption? Investigating these goals yields answers to the UN SDGs and can be shared.
- Take a Position: What are your students' worldviews on any of these topics? Who informs them and how do they communicate that view? Comparative approaches are effective.