Real World Programs that Promote Problem-based Learning and Support the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Taking it Global – Visit one of the world’s leading networks of young people learning about, engaging with, and working towards authentic solutions to world challenges. TakingITGlobal is one of the world’s leading networks of young people as they collaborate and learn with each other.
- The Globe Program – This organisation inspires the teaching and learning of science, enhancing environmental literacy and stewardship, and promoting scientific discovery.
- iEarn – Join interactive curriculum-based groups where students are creating, researching, sharing opinions and becoming global citizen. There may be a small cost.
- Global School Net – This site combines education and technology to strengthen communities and benefit humanity. You will discover support brain-friendly learning and improve academic performance through content-driven collaboration.
- Teachers’ Guide To Global Projects – This organisation is made possible through the support of the Longview Foundation, iEARN-USA has compiled an online Teachers’ Guide to Global, Collaborative Teaching and Learning.
- Kids Go Global – Green Fairs, theatre about global issues, water audits, wetland protection and lots more. Share your projects with others. See what the rest of the world is doing. There may be some cost to some projects.