For Teachers

The Project
The UN Sustainable Development Goal Project is designed to provide an authentic context for students to engage in a long-term research project. Students will not only gain a greater understanding of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their global implications but will also be exposed to a wide range of digital tools while they conduct their research.
How the Challenges Work
There are ten challenges, each designed to introduce a digital tool and focus on information related to their chosen goal. This information will then be combined and used in their final project.
While the challenges are numbered they do not have be completed in that order. However Challenge 10 should be left until the end as it will used information gleaned from the other Challenges.
Challenge Workbook
There is a workbook that can be used as a supplement to the online Challenges. This will provide an easy way not only for students to document their journey but also for you to asses the work done by students. The workbook could also be used as an alternative to students developing their own websites or blogs if this is not a viable option in your educational setting. The workbook is a Word document which can be modified as necessary, downloaded and / or printed for students. You can download a copy of the workbook here or using the tab below.
Challenge Badges
An important part of this program is the introduction of digital badges to record student achievement.
Each challenge has an associated badge that is awarded to students at the completion of that challenge. See the section on awarding digital badges for further information.
The Digital Passport
The Digital Passport refers to the actual collection of badges that students accumulate. As every school has a different curriculum delivery model the Passport is designed to be as flexible as possible. Teachers can modify the activities as required so that they can be used in a range of learning contexts.
Collecting Data
There are a number of ways that you can collect evidence around the challenges and other ICT skills. See the Assessment section for further assistance with this.